travelling in France - focus on Brittany

Publié le 22 Juillet 2021

A few tips here


On Geoportail, choosing "carte IGN", you will find  good maps (much better than Google)

it shows lots of points of interest ;   you can check whether  you want to visit them or not


This map (SCAN 25), is not supposed to be shared on Internet. I hope Geoportail will understand it's just for "advertisement" purpous and will not mind this exception. 


If you plan to share plans, please use the "plan"  (which is an Open source data)




Cirkwi is a great help, and indicates monuments near the place you plan to visit


Some cities seem to have "no existence" on Cirkwi ; you may find them on Visorando - if you want to see the maps on a full screen, it will be easier if you create your own account on their site (free)


Ma rando facile (my easy hike) proposes to bring your luggage from place to place..

a place to sleep


Camping à la ferme

Bienvenue à la ferme

Agri Village - glamping

Gites d'étape - Overnight for hikers

In my youth, they were only dormitories for group of hikers ; now, most of them include small rooms for two or three persons. And with the Covid, most of them demand that only one group stay in a room, which means that if you are hiking on your own, you will be considered as a group, of one person.


You will find most of them here 


some cities have their own "gite d'étape", or "gite communal", which may not be indicated in these websites.


Most of the "gites" are indicated on Geoportail map, with a green house



seen from a different point of view

Marjolijn indicates me this website :  bretagne-vakantie ; it seems very interesting

Rédigé par monik

Publié dans #English

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