Voyage - holidays - titles

Publié le 22 Juillet 2021

On the page  published yesterday,  Marjolijn says she likes the word Voyage

It's included in the set "sur la route" du CDIP" ..  and particularly in the template St Tropez created by Marie Rose Moyson.

The easiest is to buy this set, which includes beautifull accessories.

 Other option  : 

  • take pictures of geographic maps during your holidays (you will find them in most touristic areas), or print screen of geographical "open source"  sites like  (Geoportail - U maps, etc)
  • add these images in scrap booking alphabets 



for the "temporary mask" file, see here  (and do'not hesitate to ask, if you don't understand something)



for  GMIC, clic 

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