English speaking ?

Publié le 23 Juillet 2021


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If you like, or want to discover digi-scrap (picture arrangements), you will find some suggestions here. 

Studio-Scrap is an easy to use software that you can try (and purchase). I do not earn anything if you buy it, so feel free in your choices ! In this blog, you will find ready-to-use models for this software, as well as PNG masks for others, and some explanations
(mine, and links to other blogs). They are free for your personal use.


I created this blog only a few months ago, but I decided to use the calendar on a somewhat broader basis for a pleasing visit, according to me at least.

It's not a huge gallery of travel, or even of photos, but simply an invitation to scrap through short walks . The new pages will remain at the beginning of this blog for a few days and then will be added into the previous month's,  according to their subject. Click at will on the links in blue text, to discover what is hidden !

Except on this page, all the texts are in French, but the models are ready to use without needing any explanation. However, do not hesitate to request any help, I can translate some explanations into English or Spanish.


2013 and 2014 : strolls and rambles

The models are illustrated with pictures taken during some journeys here and there, in France

 Some pages are dedicated to the city of Tours and the Touraine , and some will lead a little bit further in Region Centre , or to the Pays de Loire,

We will visit  Brittany,  and some of its islands

and also the Perche (in Normandy), and also Paris


and we'll travell also  in the United States Ireland, or London

 2012: Nature

Nature itself is beautiful, so some models are just illustrated with plants and trees, or with animals.

2011: Family

For a change, I also used some family photos, first cries, first steps , childhoodteenage years  (to respect their privacy, adults are masked). Scrapping is only a game, sometimes my imagination breaks reality  !


2012: Technical hints - only in french, sorry !

All links to blogs that fascinate me, and most of the tutorials (although some remain scattered here and there), as well as links to those other scrap bookers are available on 2012.  I tried to take into account the level of difficulty :

First, some general hints, and basic information to get started with Studio Scrap and some enhancement exercises.

I also added links for some free additional softwares, easy to use, and information about the use of masks.

Finally, you will be able to create simple special effects, before tackling more impressive ones.


If you like, or want to discover digi-scrap (pictures arrangements), you will find some hints here. 

I “work” with Studio-Scrap, an easy to use software that you can try (and buy)  .  You will find ready-to-use models, as well as PNG masks for other software, and some explanations ( mine, and links to other blogs ) . They are free for personal use. I created this blog there is less than a year, but to facilitate travel between the pages , I decided to use the calendar on a somewhat broader basis

Do not dream , it's not a huge gallery of travel, or even photos, but merely an invitation to scrap through short walks . I will let the new pages a few days ahead of this blog, then I will integrate them to the previous months, according to their subject. Click at will on the links in blue text, to discover what is hidden !


2013 and 2014 : strolls and rambles

The models are illustrated with pictures taken during some journeys here and there, in France or elsewhere.

Some pages are dedicated to the city of Tours and the Touraine , and some will lead us a little bit further in Region Centre , or to the Pays de LoireBrittanyPerche , and also Paris

Nature itself is beautiful , so some models are just illustrated with plants and trees, or with animals.

2011: Family

For a change, I also used some family pictures, first shouts, first steps , childhoodteenage years  (in these, my personages are masked, respect for privacy !). Scrap is only a game, sometimes my imagination breaks reality  !



2012: Technical hints - only in french, sorry !

Here you will find all links to blogs that fascinate me. Most of the tutorials (although some remain scattered here and there), as well as links to those other scrapbookers are available on 2012. I tried to classify the level of difficulty.

First, some general hints, and basic information to get started with Studio Scrap and some enhancement exercises.

I also added links for some free additional softwares, easy to use, and information about the use of masks.

Finally, you will create simple special effects, before tackling more impressive ones.

This page seems to be "looked at" quite often ; it's too difficult for me to make a new version as often as  I should, so there is no actualisation


If you need some information in English, and if your translator does not help sufficently, do not hesitate to send a question in the "comments", I'll try to answer you. It may not be perfectly written, but hopefully it will be helpfull.

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