landscape => 30 x 30 format
Publié le 5 Juillet 2021
- open a new square page (30 x 30)
- clic on + (on the left side of your screen), + insert a composition or an album (or something like that)
this is the image you sent ( I added the red circle around the "plus")
sorry, I missed one step (or more)
apparently, you already included my templates in one folder (thanks again for the interest shown)
so, now :
- save the new "scalb" file in the folder (with other "scalb files")
- create a new page, format 30 x 30
- clic on the "plus" icon
then, click on something wich means "insert a new composition"
in french, we have 3 choices :
- ajouter une page (add a page)
- inserer une composition ou un album (insert a composition or an album)
- dupliquer la page (duplicate the page)
choose the second option and clic
the software will propose you to add a recent creation (composition), according to your personnal files
change the "search range " to reach the correct folder
choose the template you want, and "valid" the choice - it will come on the second page of your new composition, in a 30 x 30 format
you can now clic on one frame, then "ctrl + a" to select all of them
choosing the right place, you can change the size of all the frames on the page
I hope this will help you ! Enjoy it :)
you can see the print screens here :
2) for the paper, its-from Pixabay, but it seems I made a mistake when "naming" it, I believed it was originally from Crhisfielder (modified in white) but I cant find it anymore, you will find interesting paper here :